Volunteer Opportunities in Division Activities

The Division of Organic Chemistry has many opportunities to volunteer because it is run by volunteers. Thus, we welcome the participation of Division members in a variety of ways as described below.

Volunteer Activities for ACS Meetings

Organize symposia for ACS National Meetings

Programming at ACS National Meetings includes contributed symposia that will attract and engage a large audience, that span the broad interests of organic chemists, and fully reflect the diversity of the membership in the Division of Organic Chemistry. Detailed information and instructions for submitting ACS National Meeting symposia proposals can be found here

Submit/organize symposia for Regional meetings

The Organic Division encourages members to attend Regional ACS meetings, and provides funding and programming support for organizing organic chemistry-related symposia including Cope Scholar symposia. Detailed information and instructions for submitting ACS Regional Meeting symposia proposals can be found here

Talk at and submit posters to National Meeting Symposia

Members of the Organic Division are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations at ACS National and Regional Meetings in the Organic Division sponsored sessions. Abstract submission guidelines and instructions for ACS National and Regional Meetings are ACS National Meetings can be found here

Attend and Present at the National Organic Symposium (odd-numbered years)

The National Organic Symposium (NOS) is the premier event sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry to highlight recent advances in organic chemistry. Division members are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentations. Information regarding abstract submission is available here

Serve as a Session Chair

Please contact the Program Chair if you are interested in serving as a session chair at an ACS National Meeting. Session chairs are responsible for introducing the speakers, keeping the program on time, asking questions of the speaker, and displaying the Benefits of Membership in the Organic Division (powerpoint slide or PDF file) at the beginning and end of each session.

Volunteer Activities for Governance

Serve as a member-at-large on the DOC Executive Committee

The Organic Division is governed by a volunteer Executive Committee with membership across  industry, academia, and other employment sectors. Division members new to the Executive Committee typically serve a three year term as a member-at-large. Executive Committee members are expected to attend meetings held the Sunday afternoon of each ACS National Meeting, and participate in committee work during the year. To be considered for election to the Executive Committee, please email the Chair-Elect and indicate your willingness to stand for election. The Nominations Committee will propose an election slate for ratification by the full Executive Committee.

Volunteer Activities for Website and Communications

The DOC web site is a primary communications venue for information regarding the Division, including information regarding meetings including abstract submission, resources, Division history, careers and networking. Volunteers may contribute to advancing the Division and the field of Organic Chemistry through the website in several ways.

Assist with social media

The Division has several social media accounts. Please use the Volunteer Form if you are interested in assisting with social media efforts.


Keep the Division’s website current and accurate

We are happy to receive feedback and help you utilize the site better and/or find the resources that you need to utilize our various programs and resources. Please contact the Web team using the Volunteer Form.

Remain a Member

One of the most import things that you can do to support the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry is to join and/or maintain your DOC membership so that we, the Organic Division, can continue to offer outstanding symposia at ACS Meetings, help to recognize individuals who are doing outstanding organic chemistry, and continue to foster and promote the advancement of the field of organic chemistry. For more, see our listing of Membership Benefits