General Information for Symposia Proposals

The Executive Committee of the Division seeks symposia proposals for ACS National Meetings that span the interests, and fully reflect the diversity of the membership in the Division of Organic Chemistry. Therefore, wherever possible selection of speakers should be balanced with respect to gender, groups historically underrepresented in the profession, research area, employment sector, and career stage.

Symposia proposals that are co-organized/jointly organized with other ACS Divisions and/or Committees are welcome and encouraged.

The Symposium Programming Committee (SPC) will evaluate symposia proposals based on their ability to attract and engage a large audience, timeliness, and appropriateness for the Division of Organic Chemistry.

Funding Levels for Symposia

Type of Symposium
Potential Divisional Support
Award Symposium:
$4000 maximum
DOC – initiated topic:
$4000 maximum*
Organizer – initiated topic:
$4000 maximum*
    * – For each half-day session


  • Proposals are due approximately ONE YEAR prior to the meeting where the session is requested on the following dates: March 15 and August 15. For example, for a symposium in Fall 2028, the due date is August 15, 2027. For a symposium in Spring 2029, the due date is March 15, 2028.
  • Proposals must fully reflect the diversity of the membership in the Division of Organic Chemistry. Therefore, wherever possible selection of speakers should be balanced with respect to gender, groups historically underrepresented in the profession, research area, employment sector, and career stage.
  • Proposals will usually be considered for a half-day session only.
  • If the organizer is requesting a full day session, an additional ONE-paragraph justification should be included (not part of the ONE page limit) for why this topic requires more time and should be given consideration as a full day symposium.
  • The DOC does not accept symposia with names of living persons in the title. Members interested in submitting an honorary symposium proposal are directed to focus the title and presentations on the chemistry rather than an individual.


  • Proposals should be a maximum of ONE page (12 point font, 0.5 inch margins).
  • The proposal must utilize the Template (MS-Word) with the following information provided:
    • A symposium title.
    • A paragraph stating the idea behind the proposal, why it is timely, how this symposium will differ from those recently given at ACS, and why the Division of Organic Chemistry is the most appropriate forum for this symposium.
    • The proposed meeting (Spring or Fall ACS) for the symposium to occur. Please note that due changes in ACS meeting footprint, fewer symposia half-day sessions will be available in the Fall meetings starting in 2025. Please indicate your willingness to organize this symposium at a different (later) time than originally proposed.
    • Would you like to host this symposium as a co-organized/joint symposium with other ACS Divisions or Committees? If yes, list co-organizers and their Division or Committee affiliation.
    • Select if you are interested in organizing an ACS Symposium eBook as part of this symposium
    • A list of potential speakers, preferably with tentative titles (4-6 speakers is a typical number submitted).
    • The names of several alternative speakers for the session should be included.
    • The speaker’s status should be listed as outlined in the template.
    • Describe how your speaker selection fulfills the diversity criteria.
    • E-mail national meeting symposia proposals to Emily McLaughlin

Reimbursement Information

Details on how to reimburse symposium speakers can be found on the reimbursements guidelines page.

Fundraising for Symposia

If an organizer seeks outside funding for a symposia, they must contact the Treasurer via the Fundraising Form prior to completing any agreements.  The Treasurer will provide current remittance information, 501(3)c non-profit documentation, etc.

DOC Acknowledgement During SYMPOSIUM

DOC-sponsored symposia are a member benefit. Symposia receiving support from the ACS DOC are asked to use this slide at the beginning and end of their session. (as a powerpoint slide or PDF file)