Follow the Organic Division on Twitter
The Organic Division is looking to use more social media to contact members and the organic chemistry community. Thus, we have recently created a Twitter feed (@ACSorganic):
The Organic Division is looking to use more social media to contact members and the organic chemistry community. Thus, we have recently created a Twitter feed (@ACSorganic):
In an effort to reach a wider audience, the Organic Division is looking to use more social media to contact members and the organic chemistry community. Thus, we encourage you to “Like” our recently created Facebook page at:
ACS Organic Division would like to congratulate the latest National Award Winners. Including the Roger Adams Award winner David A. Evans, and the Arthur C. Cope Award winner Stephen L. Buchwald. Professor Evans will present his Award Address at the 43rd National Organic Symposium held June 23-27, 2013 in Seattle, Washington. Professor Buchwald will Present his Award Address …
The National Organic Chemistry Symposium is the premier event sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society to highlight recent advances in organic chemistry. The 43rd national Organic Symposium will be held on the Campus of University of Washington in Seattle from Sunday June 23 thru Thursday June 26th, 2013.The speakers and latest …
Organic Reactions® has created an RSS feed for alerting subscribers about new chapters. You can view it here. Organic Reactions is a comprehensive reference work that contains authoritative, critical reviews of many important synthetic reactions. In addition to detailed discussions of the mechanism, scope, and limitations of reactions, OR chapters contain a tabular survey of all …
We invite members to submit nominations for the ACS National Awards, particularly those relevant to organic chemistry: ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Herbert C. Brown Award for Creative Research in Synthetic Methods, Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding Original Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a Young Investigator, Ernest Guenther Award in …
The Wednesday evening ORGN–MEDI Poster Session and Social Event, which is sponsored by Journal of Organic Chemistry, Organic Letters, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, and ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, in the Convention Center Hall D beginning at 7 pm. More than 300 posters will be presented. Refreshments will be present and at 8:30 pm the classic rock band “Love Alive” will …
The ACS Organic Division is proud to announce the travel awards for the Fall 2012. Three faculty at undergraduate institutions: Debasish Bandyopadhyay University of Texas-Pan American Jeremy Steinbacher Canisius College Dianqing Sun University of Hawaii at Hilo Three undergraduate students: Erica D’Amato Boston University Research Advisor: Corey Stephenson Szilvia Kiss Smith College Research Advisor: Kevin …
The ACS Division of Organic Chemistry has named Franklin A. Davis – Laura H. Carnell Professor of Chemistry at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA – the winner of the 2012 Paul G. Gassman Distinguished Service Award. The award sponsored by Bayer, was established in 1994 to recognize outstanding service to the organic chemistry community. Presented biannually …
ACS has announced that a web server outage will occur on Friday 22 June starting at 5:00 p.m. EST. Logins to the Organic Division Website will likely be affected for upto 17 hours. All other aspects of the site should work fine.