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Young Investigator’s Symposium-Nominations Extended to 2/25

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The Organic Division is now accepting nominations for speakers at the Young Investigator’s Symposium to be held at the 2013 Fall ACS meeting. Appropriate candidates will be independent investigators who are no more than 10 years from graduate school or post-doctoral appointment, be a current researcher in a non-academic setting (e.g. industry, government or non-profit …

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Organic Division Undergraduate Award

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The Organic Division is pleased to sponsor a new award program called the Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry, that is intended to recognize senior students who display a significant aptitude for organic chemistry and to encourage further interest in the field. The award consists of a letter of recognition from the ACS Division of Organic …

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Fall ACS Meeting Abstract Deadline: March 18, 2013

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The 246th ACS National Meeting will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana September 8-12, 2013.  Abstracts for the Division of Organic Chemistry (ORGN) can now be submitted and are due March 18, 2013. Please submit abstracts using the Online Abstract Submittal System PACS at Late abstracts will not be accepted. See the Travel Awards page for …

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Travel Awards for the 43rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS)

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The Division will provide travel awards for undergraduates and faculty at undergraduate institutions to help cover registration and expenses for the 43rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) at the University of Washington in Seattle. The award recipient must present a poster at the meeting. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2013. For more details, see the travel awards link at:

Call for Nominations for the 2013 JOC & OL Outstanding Author of the Year Award Lectureships-Due Feb. 1

Categories: News

The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC), Organic Letters (OL) and the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry are seeking nominations for the inaugural Outstanding Author of the Year Award Lectureships. Two authors will be awarded, one from each journal, for an outstanding article published in 2012 (either in an issue or ASAP) that demonstrates creativity and …

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U.S. Young Observer Program IUPAC General Assembly and Congress

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The U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is seeking outstanding U.S. scientists and engineers under the age of 45, with interests and expertise related to the work of IUPAC. Selected applicants will attend the IUPAC General Assembly and Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, August 8-16, 2013 as Young Observers. …

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Video Interviews of Organic Chemist-Virginia Cornish

Categories: News

We are pleased to announce that a second series of video interviews of leaders in our community are going on-line. These will appear one a month, including Larry Overman, Christina White, Richmond Sarpong and Mike Doyle. This month we are featuring an interview with Professor Virginia Cornish of Columbia University. The Organic Division and the …

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New Astrochemistry Subdivision of the PHYS division

Categories: News

At the national ACS meeting in Philadelphia, the ACS-PHYS division established a new Astrochemistry Subdivision. Astrochemistry is the study of the abundances and chemical reactions of atoms, molecules, and ions and how they interact with radiation in both gas and condensed phases in Solar Systems and in the Interstellar Medium. The new Subdivision provides an …

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DOC Election Results for 2013

Categories: News

Congratulations to the following individuals who have been elected to the leadership of the Division: Christopher J. Welch – Merck & Co., Inc., Chair-Elect 2013Cynthia A. Maryanoff – Cordis, a Johnson & Johnson Company, CouncilorMary K. Boyd – University of San Diego, Alternate CouncilorPaul R. Hanson – University of Kansas, Alternate CouncilorJeffrey N. Johnston – Vanderbilt University, Member-at …

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Travel Award Deadline for New Orleans

Categories: News

In light of the problems caused by Hurricane Sandy, the DOC Travel Award Application Deadline for the New Orleans Meeting has been moved to November 30th. The Division is offering Travel Awards for Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, and Faculty at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions for travel to ACS National Meetings. To learn more, see the Organic Division’s Travel …

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