Employment Resources

The following links to employment resources take you off the ACS Organic Division’s Website. The links to these websites are provided as a service to the organic chemistry community. They are not an endorsement by the Division. If you would like us to consider other links, please use the Contact Us/Feedback form.


ACS Employment and Career Resource Sites

ACS Chemistry Jobs Site: http://chemistryjobs.acs.org/jobs/

ACS Salary Data: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers/salaries.html

ACS Careers Website: https://acs.org/careers

ACS, College to Careers Page: http://www.acs.org/collegetocareer

ACS, Division of Medicinal Chemistry’s Jobs and Career Center: http://www.acsmedchem.org/?nd=jobsandcareers

ACS, Division of Rubber’s Job Listings: http://www.rubber.org/career-listing

Interviewing Insights (C&EN 2014, 92(44), 20-21): http://cen-online.org/articles/92/i44/Interviewing-Insights.html


Science Specific Sites

Chemjobber’s list of: Medicinal Chemistry Jobs

Chemjobber’s list of: Academic Chemistry Jobs

Chemjobber’s list of: Process Chemistry Jobs List

Academic: https://chroniclevitae.com/job_search/new

AfterCollege: https://www.aftercollege.com/

Career Cornerstone: http://careercornerstone.org/chemistry/chememploy.htm

Chemjobs: http://www.chemjobs.net/

Science: http://jobs.newscientist.com/

Common Organic Chemistry website: Organic Chemistry Jobs


General Job Sites

Career Builder: http://www.careerbuilder.com/

Executive: http://www.theladders.com

Glassdoor: http://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm

HigherEdJobs.com: http://www.higheredjobs.com

Indeed.Com: http://www.indeed.com/

Monster: http://www.monster.com/

SimplyHired.com: http://www.simplyhired.com/

US Federal Government Official Job Site: https://www.usajobs.gov/

The Vault: https://jobs.vault.com

Career Shift: http://www.careershift.com


Additional Job/Career Resources

The Scoopula-resources for pursuing graduate school in chemistry