Ronald Breslow

Ronald Breslow (Columbia University), a former President of the American Chemical Society, has made significant contributions to fundamental chemistry, for example, in the study of antiaromatic compounds and also bioorganic chemistry. Currently, he is trying to prepare artificial enzymes that can imitate the function of natural enzymes. Breslow is involved in the synthesis of mimics of antibodies or of biological receptor sites, for example, for modulating the activity of peptide hormones. He also has a long-standing program to develop novel compounds that can induce cells to differentiate. These have important potential in cancer treatment and are now in human trials.

Stephan Hanessian

Stephen Hanessian (University of Montreal, and the University of California, Irvine), has a wide cross-section of interests in organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. His teachings of the simplification of structural and stereochemical complexity in organic synthesis as seen through the mind’s eye, and adopting the Chiron Approach, are pedagogically enlightening and practically useful. In 2012, he was the recipient of the ACS Ernest Guenther Award in Natural Products and the Richter IUPAC Medicinal Chemistry Prize.

Virginia Cornish

Virginia W. Cornish graduated summa cum laude from Columbia University with a B.A. in Biochemistry in 1991, where she did undergraduate research with Professor Ronald Breslow. She earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry with Professor Peter Schultz at the University of California at Berkeley and then was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Biology Department at M.I.T. under the guidance of Professor Robert Sauer. Virginia joined the faculty of the Chemistry Department at Columbia in 1999, where she carries out research at the interface of chemistry and biology, and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2004 and then Professor in 2007. Her laboratory brings together modern methods in synthetic chemistry and DNA technology to expand the synthetic capabilities of living cells. Her research has resulted in 55 research publications and several patents and currently is supported by multiple grants from the NIH and NSF. Virginia has been recognized for her research by awards including an NSF Career Award (2000), a Sloan Foundation Fellowship (2003), the Protein Society Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award (2009), and the American Chemical Society Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry (2009). In addition to her research and teaching, Virginia enjoys spending time with her husband and their three children.

Larry Overman

Professor Overman’s research interests center on the invention of new transformations and strategies in organic synthesis and the total synthesis of natural products and their congeners. Using synthesis strategies developed largely in his laboratory at the University of California, Irvine, his group has completed total syntheses of nearly 100 structurally complex natural products. Professor Overman is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His scientific awards include the Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Chemistry and the Arthur C. Cope Award of the American Chemical Society.

Eminent Organic Chemists' Videos

The Division of Organic Chemistry (ORGN) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) celebrated its 100th birthday in 2008. As part of this celebration, ORGN hosted a Centennial Symposium at the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia on August 18, 2008. The day before the symposium, with the support of ORGN and its then Chair, Bob Volkmann, Jeffrey I. Seeman of the University of Richmond conducted video interviews of 20 scientists where one goal was to reveal the human side of eminent organic chemists.

Seeman’s Commentary: “People ask: ‘Who are chemists? How do they work together? What are the sources of their energy and their passion?’ The media of video provides a rich opportunity to connect, very personally, with the world around us and with people who live and work far away. These videos also provide an archival record of our times. How wonderful it would be if we had video interviews with Joseph Priestley, Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, Dmitri Mendeleev and others.

Sarpong Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
White Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
Breslow Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
Joullie Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
McElweeWhite Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
Nicolaou Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
MacMillan Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
John Montgomery Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
Houk Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
Hanessian Eminent Organic Chemists' Video
Cornish Eminent Organic Chemists' Video

Albert Padwa

Albert Padwa (Emory) has published hundreds of papers on novel synthetic methods and total syntheses of natural products including (currently) the shortest route to strychnine. He made seminal contributions in the development of 1,3-polar cycloadditions and their use in total synthesis as well as developing many novel cascade reactions. He is currently an Associate Editor of The ‘Journal of Organic Chemistry’ and a mountain climber of great distinction.

Eric Anslyn’s 2015 NOS Lecture is Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2015 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of Maryland. We are now able to release the video of Eric Ansyln’s lecture from the University of Texas, Austin free of charge to all Organic Division members from the NOS Videos’ page. We thank Dr. Marisa Kozlowski from the …

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2015 NOS Lectures now Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2015 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of Maryland. We are now able to release the videos of the lectures given by Anna Mapp and Kuiling Ding at the 2015 NOS. These are free of charge to all Organic Division members from the NOS Videos’ page. We thank …

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Scott Miller’s 2015 NOS Lecture is Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2015 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of Maryland. We are now able to release the video of Scott Miller‘s lecture free of charge to all Organic Division members from the NOS Videos’ page. We thank Dr. Marisa Kozlowski from the University Pennsylvania for her phenomenal efforts …

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Jeffrey Bode’s 2015 NOS Lecture is Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2015 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of Maryland. We are now able to release the video of Jeffrey Bode’s lecture, which is now available free of charge to all Organic Division members from the NOS Videos’ page. We thank Dr. Marisa Kozlowski from the University Pennsylvania for …

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