The 44th National Organic Chemistry Symposium

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The 44th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) will be held on the campus of the University of Maryland June 28-July 2, 2015. Marisa Kozlowski will serve as the executive officer for the event and Lyle Isaacs and Michael Doyle will serve as the local organizers. Event Details will posted at as they become available. The …

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NOS History Article-Membership Benefit

Categories: News

Thanks to Dale Poulter, Editor of the Journal of Organic Chemistry, the recent article “Profiles in Chemistry: A Historical Perspective on the National Organic Symposium” is available free to Organic Division Members. This article written by Fenlon (Franklin and Marshall College) and Myers (Ohio Northern University and Organic Division Webmaster) was highlighted at the recent 43rd …

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National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) Posters

Categories: News

The National Organic Chemistry Symposium will be held at the University of Washington in Seattle, June 23-27. The symposium includes thirteen plenary lectures, plus the 2013 Roger Adams Awardee David Evans, and four nights of poster sessions, all in one of the most spectacular cities in country. The afternoons are free for exploring Seattle. Free …

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JOC 5K Fun Run/Walk at NOS – New Form

Categories: News

Calling all National Organic Symposium (NOS) participants-take a break from the indoor sessions to explore the breathtaking scenery of Seattle. Whether you’re a runner or not, come join us for this low-key social event to enjoy exercise, sightseeing and meeting colleagues in your field. Don’t worry about your pace, you will receive a  Journal of …

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Travel Awards for the 43rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS)

Categories: News

The Division will provide travel awards for undergraduates and faculty at undergraduate institutions to help cover registration and expenses for the 43rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) at the University of Washington in Seattle. The award recipient must present a poster at the meeting. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2013. For more details, see the travel awards link at:

Speakers for the 43rd NOS in 2013

Categories: News

The speakers for the 43rd National Organic Symposium (NOS) have been selected. They are: Erick M. Carreira ETH Zürich François Diederich ETH Zürich Joanna S. Fowler Brookhaven National Laboratory Shana O. Kelley University of Toronto Paul Knochel Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Eiichi Nakamura The University of Tokyo William R. Roush The Scripps Research Institute, Florida Richmond Sarpong      University …

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The National Organic Symposium

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The National Organic Chemistry Symposium is the premier event sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society to highlight recent advances in organic chemistry. The 43rd national Organic Symposium will be held on the Campus of University of Washington in Seattle from Sunday June 23 thru Thursday June 26th, 2013.The speakers and latest …

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Deadline For Organic Symposium Proposals For The National Meeting In Philadelphia (Fall 2012) Is July 15

Categories: News

The Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) Executive Committee encourages proposals for symposia at the national meeting in Philadelphia, August 19-23, 2012.Proposals for symposia in emerging areas of research in the core areas of structure, synthesis and mechanism are encouraged as are those having an interdisciplinary focus.  Proposals submitted jointly to DOC and other ACS Divisions …

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42nd NOS: June 2011

Categories: News

The next National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) will be held from Sunday, June 5 to Thursday, June 9, 2011 on the campus of Princeton University. The National Organic Chemistry Symposium is the premier event sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society to highlight recent advances in organic chemistry.  The 42nd …

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The 2011 Roger Adams Awardee

Categories: News

Robert H. Grubbs, Victor & Elizabeth Atkins Professor of Chemistry at California Institute of Technology has been named as the recepient of the 2011 Roger Adams Award. The award address will be given at the 42nd NOS Symposium. NOS will be on Sunday, June 5 to Thursday, June 9, 2011 on the campus of Princeton …

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