2020 Division Election Results

Categories: News

The Organic Division congratulates the winners of the 2020 election for the new officers for 2021. They are listed below. We thank all the members of the Division who voted for the leaders of our organization. Chair-Elect: Lamont Terrell Councilors: Huw Davies and Katherine Maloney Alternate Councilor: Michelle Tran-Dubé Members-at-Large: Diana Carerra, Cathleen Crudden, Jón …

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2019 Division Election Results

Categories: News

The Organic Division congratulates the winners of the 2019 election for the new officers for 2019. They are listed below. We thank all the members of the Division who voted for the leaders of our organization. Chair-Elect: Annaliese Franz Councilor: Paul Hanson Alternate Councilor: J. Michael Ellis Members-at-Large: Nicole Knight, Rita, Majerle, Iulia Strambeanu, M. …

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2019 Division Elections-End on 11/15

Categories: News

The ACS Division of Organic Chemistry is conducting our annual elections electronically. The election concludes on November 15, 2019. Members will receive an email from [email protected]. Candidate biographies are available via links within the ballot.

2018 Division Election Results

Categories: News

The Organic Division congratulates the winners of the 2018 election for the new officers for 2019. They are listed below. We thank all the members of the Division who voted for the leaders of our organization. Chair-Elect: Lisa Marcaurelle Councilor: Karl Hansen Alternate Councilors: Jennifer Schomaker and Neil Garg Members-at-Large: Maria Carranza, Andreea Argintaru, Stefan …

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Nominations for Division of Organic Chemistry Officers Solicited

Categories: News

The Division of Organic Chemistry is the largest technical division in the ACS and as such we seek enthusiastic and committed division members to help steer the division over the coming year. We welcome volunteers and nominations from the division to stand for election in the various offices of the Executive Committee. If interested or …

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2017 Division Election Results

Categories: News

The Organic Division congratulates the winners of the 2017 election who are listed below. We thank all the members of the Division who voted for the leaders of our organization. Chair-Elect: Jeffrey Aubé Councilors: Katherine Maloney, Huw Davies Alternate Councilor: Hao Xu Members-at-Large: Angie Angeles, Michelle Tran-Dubé, Joshua Pierce, Lamont Terrell

Division Election Results 2017

Categories: News

We extend our congratulations to the following individuals who have been elected to the leadership of the Division for 2017: Katherine L. Lee, Pfizer – Chair-Elect Robert E. Maleczka, Jr., Michigan State University – Treasurer-Elect Lisa A. Marcaurelle, Warp Drive Bio – 2019 NOS Executive Officer Paul R. Hanson, University of Kansas – 2019 NOS Co-Executive Officer …

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Division Election Results

Categories: News

We extend our congratulations to the following individuals who have been elected to the leadership of the Division for 2015:Paige E. Mahaney, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals – Chair-ElectHuw M. L. Davies, Emory University – CouncilorBrian M. Stoltz, California Institute of Technology – CouncilorKatherine N. Maloney, Point Loma Nazarene University – Alternate CouncilorCatherine A. Faler, ExxonMobil – …

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Division Elections-End on 11/8

Categories: News

The ACS Division of Organic Chemistry is conducting our annual elections electronically. The election concludes on October 8, 2018. Members will receive an email from [email protected].  Candidate biographies are available via links within the ballot.