The 2013-14 DOC Graduate Fellowship Winners

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The Division of Organic Chemistry congratulates the following 4 graduate students who are the 2013-14 DOC Fellows. Three excellent students are also recognized for their achievements; we were unable to award them fellowships because they won an NSF fellowship for the 2013-14 academic year. However, we have granted each of them a travel award to the 2015 NOS.

The Division also gratefully acknowledges Amgen, Boerhinger Ingelheim, and Organic Syntheses who sponsored these awards this year and in the past. This program is in its 33rd year and has awarded at least 380 fellowships (See them all here). 

Student University Advisor Company Sponsor
Alan H. Cherney Calif. Inst. of Tech. Sarah Reisman Amgen
Patrick Fier Univ. of Calif., Berkeley John Hartwig Organic Syn. Fellowship
James Payne Univ. of Chicago Jared C. Lewis Nelson Leonard Fellowship
Cale D. Weatherly Univ. of Wisconsin Jennifer Schomaker Boerhinger Ingelheim
The Follow Students were Awarded Travel Awards to NOS 2015
Alina Borovika Univ. of Michigan Pavel Nagorny  
Philip Milner MIT Stephen Buchwald  
Robert J. Sharpe N. Carolina at Chapel Hill Jeffrey Johnson