The Executive Committee of the Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) of the American Chemical Society and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Department of Chemistry invite you to register to attend the 49th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS). This will be the 100 year anniversary of the NOS, and we are pleased to have the conference return to its roots (5 of the first 10 NOS were in New York or New England). This biennial event will be held from June 22-26, 2025, at RPI in Troy, New York.
The registration system is now accessible from the NOS website, which also has important information on the symposium, including the impressive lineup of 17 speakers including the 2025 Roger Adams Awardee, Professor Eric Jacobsen, and the 2022 Nobel Laureate Professor Morten Meldal. The website also provides information on 1) affordable housing options (hotel and dorm room accommodations), 2) recreational and cultural activities of all sorts that are available at this beautiful and historic venue, 3) submitting a poster, and 4) applying for travel awards.
The NOS convenes approximately 600 organic chemists every two years to engage in discussions on the most influential organic chemistry topics of the day. The selection of speakers is based on their exceptional accomplishments and communication abilities in the field. A significant aspect of the symposium is its role in inspiring the next generation of organic chemists, which is why the organizers diligently seek donations from industrial partners to significantly reduce registration fees for students ($200 undergraduate, $275 graduate, $300 postdoc).
Chemical and Engineering News recently highlighted the history of the NOS and the upcoming historical 100-year celebration of the NOS. You can read it here.
The National Organic Chemistry Symposium is the premier event sponsored by the Division of Organic Chemistry to highlight recent advances in organic chemistry, and it provides a breadth of programming and opportunities that you won’t want to miss.