The Organic Division (DOC) recognizes early-career and mid-career scientists through two related programs:
1) The Early Career Investigator (ECI) Award program, which recognizes independent and non-academic (preferentially multidisciplinary) investigators (e.g. industry, government or non-profit laboratory) who are no more than 10 years from graduate school or post-doctoral appointment. These individuals have demonstrated outstanding promise for future contributions to Organic Chemistry. This year, the ECI Award expands to allow submissions from the Divisions of Medicinal Chemistry (MEDI) and Analytical Chemistry (ANYL). The award symposium will consist of four sessions across the three participating divisions to emphasize the collaborative nature of our field. Although not required for nomination, attention will be given to nominations emphasizing multidisciplinary work.
2) The Mid-Career Investigator (MCI) Award program, which recognizes scientists who are more than 10 years from graduate school or post-doctoral appointment and are a current researcher in a non-academic setting (e.g. industry, government or non-profit laboratory) who have demonstrated sustained excellence in Organic Chemistry.
Awardees for these two programs along with those of the Technical Achievement in Organic Chemistry program (TAOC) attend a dinner to honor the awardees typically on Sunday evening of the ACS Fall National Meeting. Additionally, the awardees present a 30 minute scientific talk in a dedicated symposium for the award which is typically on Monday or Tuesday at the ACS Fall National Meeting.
Nominations for the 2025 are due Tuesday February 11, 2025. For more info, see the Early Career Investigators Page or the Mid-Career Award Page for more details about the relevant award and its nomination process.
Please note Nominators must be members or affiliates of the ACS Organic Division. If you can login to the Division’s website, your membership is active. If you cannot, you are encouraged to CALL ACS Membership Services (800-333-9511 or 614-447-3776). Calling is the best way to resolve this during normal business hours (EST).The call typically takes <15 minutes.