Call for Nominations for the 2013 JOC & OL Outstanding Author of the Year Award Lectureships-Due Feb. 1

Categories: News

The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC), Organic Letters (OL) and the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry are seeking nominations for the inaugural Outstanding Author of the Year Award Lectureships. Two authors will be awarded, one from each journal, for an outstanding article published in 2012 (either in an issue or ASAP) that demonstrates creativity and impact in the field of organic chemistry broadly based. Special consideration will be given to originality and impact of the article.

Each winner will receive:

  • An award plaque
  • $3000 USD
  • Travel expenses up to $1500 USD to attend the 2013 Fall ACS National Meeting

Nominations should include:

  • Name, affiliation, and e-mail address of the nominator
  • Name, affiliation, and e-mail address of the nominee
  • Nominee’s article title and DOI
  • A statement of why the article is outstanding (500 word limit) 

authors should nominate only JOC articles, and OL authors should nominate only OL articles. Associate Editors and Editorial Advisory Board members for both journals may submit nominations.

Self-nominations or nominations of the Editors of the journal will not be accepted.

The winners will be announced in early 2013 and the award will be presented at the Fall ACS National Meeting, September 8-12, 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana at a symposium featuring the awardees.

Deadline (extended) for nominations: February 1, 2013.

Send your nominations for the JOC & OL Outstanding Author of the Year Award Lectureships to [email protected] or [email protected].