Call for Abstracts: Before and After Lab: Instructing Students in ‘Non-chemical’ Research Skills

Categories: News

22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, July 29-August 2, 2012, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

When students think about chemistry, one of the first things that comes to mind is the laboratory. However, while the experiments done in the lab are the meat of the chemical research process, they are sandwiched between literature searching, reading, and acquisition of funding on one side and publication and presentation on the other. These highly-nuanced topics are frequently overlooked by educators and students alike, although they are crucial for success in both academic and industrial research.

This session aims to bring together some best practices in teaching students what to do before they enter and after they leave the laboratory. We are looking for success stories from people who spend time in their classes to teach students to search and read the scientific literature, to consider ethical issues inherent in scientific research, to understand the peer review process, to effectively manage literature references, or to present their work, and who are willing to share their strategies. How has inclusion of this material increased your students’ understanding of their chemistry and of the research process? Success stories about finding information to help insure safety practices in the lab and to explore career options are also of interest. A summary of tools and affordable resources to help these information seeking efforts will be provided to attendees.

Please visit to submityour abstract and to learn about BCCE.  The deadline for abstractsubmission is Feb. 28, 2012.  If you have any questions, please contactthe symposium organizers, Judith Currano (University of Pennsylvania; [email protected]), Andrea Twiss-Brooks (University of Chicago; [email protected]), or Grace Baysinger (Stanford University; [email protected]).