Abstracts for the Spring 2025 ACS Meeting in San Diego

Categories: News

We are excited to announce that Division Members can now access the ORGN abstract separates for the 269th ACS National Meeting to be held March 23-27 (Spring 2025). To access the file, you must be a Division Member. You can download the 679 page PDF file (10.03 MB) from the Organic Division’s Meeting Abstract Page. Use your ACS Login ID to access the page.

Graphical Abstract of Chemistry to be presented at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego 2025
Abstract image from ORGN 4190199 with title “Innovative organometallic and electrochemical processes through flow technology” to be presented by Laetitia Chausset-Boissarie from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Rouen and Université de Rouen Normandie, Normandie, France