ORGN and RMC Form a Partnership

Categories: News

In August 2009, the Executive Committee of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) and the Governing Board of the Reaction Mechanisms Conference (RMC) entered into a formal partnership. This partnership includes an agreement for continuing financial support from DOC for the RMC, which is held every two years, in years alternate to the National …

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Election Results for the 2009-10 Officers

Categories: News

Chair-Elect: Gary Molander Councilor: Christopher J. Welch Alternate Councilors: Cynthia Maryanoff, Ned A. Porter Members-at-Large: Janis Louie, Bruce D. Dorsey, Paige E. Mahaney, Duane A. Burnett

The 2009 Edward Leete Award to Madeleine Joullie

Categories: News

The 2009 Edward Leete Award for outstanding contributions to teaching and research in organic chemistry was presented to Professor Madeleine Joullie, Ph.D. of the University of Pennsylvania at the 238th National Meeting ACS Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. You can view a video interview of Professor Joullie on the Eminent Organic Chemist’s Page

Inaugural ACS Fellows

Categories: News

A new page on the ORGN website has been created to honor the 43 members of the Division of Organic Chemistry that were selected as Inaugural ACS Fellows