NOS is on Facebook
Professor Scott Sieburth created a Facebook Group for the 42nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium. You are welcome to join the NOS Facebook Group.
Professor Scott Sieburth created a Facebook Group for the 42nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium. You are welcome to join the NOS Facebook Group.
The Division has decided to extend the deadline until 11/2/2010 for Travel Award applications for Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, and Faculty at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions for travel to the Anaheim National Meeting. To learn more, see the Organic Division’s Travel Award page.
The 23rd International Congress on Heterocyclic Chemistry will be held at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre on the banks of the river Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland, July 30 – August 4, 2011. The program will include an exciting range of cutting edge heterocyclic chemistry to reflect recent advances. The main themes will include: synthetic …
October 25th is the due date for Abstracts and Travel Awards (for Undergraduates, Faculty at PUI’s, and Graduate students) for the Spring 2011 ACS Meeting in Anaheim. To submit an abstract, use ACS’ Abstract System (PACS). To submit a DOC Travel Award Application see the Travel Awards Page.
Call for abstracts for the 12th Annual Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic IUPAC-Sponsored Conference, which will be held March 6 – 9, 2011 at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, USA. The Conference will feature eleven plenary lectures given by academic and industrial experts from around the world together with invited lectures and short courses …
Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki of Japan, and American Richard Heck have won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing “one of the most sophisticated” tools used in organic chemistry. See the for more information.
The Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Lectureship Award seeks to enhance the reputation of early and mid-career female chemists and chemical engineers by supporting their travel to present technical talks at doctoral degree-granting institutions. Awards may be made directly to a female chemist who chooses to self-nominate, or to the host institution. Awards cover transportation, lodging, …
Chemistry symposia will be sponsored by the AAAS chemistry section and presented at the 2011 meeting of the AAAS in Washington, DC, Feb 18-21. These are specially selected symposia, chosen to highlight the role of chemistry in the International Year of Chemistry. The symposia are listed here. For more information on the meeting, see the …
The year 2011 has been designated the International Year of Chemistry by IUPAC and the United Nations. As a means of celebrating this event, the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society is organizing a one-day symposium to be held at the National American Chemical Society Meeting in Anaheim (March 27-31, 2011) entitled …
This one-day symposium featuring process R&D chemistry and new synthetic methodology is scheduled for Friday October 22, 2010 from 9 am to 5 pm at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, MA. This year’s meeting will include a catered lunch for conferees and a vendor show. For more details and registration information ($50 registration fee; …