Larry Overman’s 2015 NOS Lecture is Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2015 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of Maryland. We are now able to release the video of Larry Overman’s lecture, which is now available free of charge to all Organic Division members from the NOS Videos’ page. Professor Overman is the 2015 Roger Adams Awardee. We thank …

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Young Investigator’s Symposium Nominations

Categories: News

The Division is now accepting nominations for speakers at the Young Investigator’s Symposium to be held at the Fall 2016 ACS meeting. Appropriate candidates will be independent investigators who are no more than 10 years from graduate school or post-doctoral appointment, be a current researcher in a non-academic setting (e.g. industry, government or non-profit laboratory) …

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Travel Awards-ACS National Meetings

Categories: News

The Division is offering Travel Awards for Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, and Faculty at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions for travel to ACS National Meetings. Application deadlines for National Meetings is November 15th for the Spring meeting and May 1st for the Fall Meeting. To learn more, see the Organic Division’s Travel Award page.

Call for Nominations for OL, JOC and Organometallics Author of the Year Awards

Categories: News

Three authors will be awarded, one from each journal, for an outstanding article published in 2015. Deadline: January 15, 2016. Organic Letters (OL), The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC), Organometallics and the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry are seeking nominations for the 2016 Author of the Year Awards. Three authors will be awarded, one from …

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The 2015-16 DOC Graduate Fellowship Winners

Categories: News

The Division of Organic Chemistry congratulates the following 5 graduate students who are the 2015-16 DOC Fellows. In addition to the five Fellowship Awardees listed, we have recognized 6 applicants for their achievements and granted each of them a travel award to the 2017 NOS. The Division also gratefully acknowledges Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and …

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Video: Richard F. Heck

Categories: News

Today, October 10th, 2015, the DOC regrettably learned that Nobel Laureate (2010) and Professor Emeritus Richard F. Heck passed away. We are honored to help celebrate his life and career by providing a video of him lecturing at Queen’s University Canada in September of 2006. To view the video on YouTube, follow this link: Note: We …

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DOC Video Contest Deadline Extended

Categories: News

The deadline for the DOC Video Contest is extended to October 14, 2015.   The Division of Organic Chemistry announces a video contest to highlight the benefits of membership in the division. Undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to submit videos of up to 3 minutes. Five prizes of $1,500 in travel …

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Search for Senior-level Researchers as NSF CHE Program Directors

Categories: News

Dear Colleagues: We would like to bring to your attention the current nationwide search for senior-level researchers to serve as program directors at the Division of Chemistry, U.S. National Science Foundation. For details of the search and qualifications, please see:

Kenichiro Itami’s 2015 NOS Lecture is Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2015 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of Maryland. We are now able to release the video of Kenichiro Itami‘s lecture, which is now available free of charge to all Organic Division members from the NOS Videos’ page. We thank Dr. Marisa Kozlowski from the University Pennsylvania for her …

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ACS Board Committee on Grants and Awards Seeks Committee Members

Categories: News

In an effort to identify additional ACS Award Canvassing and Selection Committee members, the ACS Board Committee on Grants and Awards is seeking self-nominations for Committee membership from members that want to get more involved in the ACS. Interested members should complete the online Self Committee Nomination Form by September 30, 2015. If you have …

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