2018 Division Election Results

Categories: News

The Organic Division congratulates the winners of the 2018 election for the new officers for 2019. They are listed below. We thank all the members of the Division who voted for the leaders of our organization. Chair-Elect: Lisa Marcaurelle Councilor: Karl Hansen Alternate Councilors: Jennifer Schomaker and Neil Garg Members-at-Large: Maria Carranza, Andreea Argintaru, Stefan …

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Call for Nominations for OL, JOC and OM Publication of the Year Awards

Categories: News

Nominations are now open for the ACS Publication Awards (Organic Letters, The Journal of Organic Chemistry and Organometallics) for manuscripts published in 2018 (2017 & 2018 for OM). The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2019. Below, you can find details on eligibility and directions for submission of nominations. Organic Letters: Nominations are now open …

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Spring 2019 ACS National Meeting: Abstracts Due 10/29

Categories: News

Monday, October 29, 2018 is the deadline for submission of abstracts for the Organic Division sessions of the 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition in Orlando, Florida, March 31-April 4, 2019. Submit your abstracts at https://callforpapers.acs.org/orlando2019. The theme for this national meeting is “Chemistry for New Frontiers” The Organic Division will host the …

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The 2019 Cope Award goes to Dieter Seebach

Categories: News

The ACS Organic Division would like to congratulate the latest National Award Winners including the 2019 Arthur C. Cope Award winner Dieter Seebach from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich Professor Seebach will Present his award address at the Fall 2019, 258th ACS National Meeting held August 25-29 in San Diego, CA More …

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The 2019 Adams Award goes to Professor Buchwald

Categories: News

Professor Stephen L. Buchwald the Camille Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry at MIT has been named as the recipient of the 2019 Roger Adams Award. The award address will be given at the 46th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) to be held on Sunday, June 23 to Thursday, June 27, 2019 on the campus of Indiana …

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Floreancig and Yoon’s 2017 NOS Lectures

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2017 National Organic Symposium (NOS) at the University of California, Davis. We are now able to release the video lectures by Paul E. Floreancig and Tehshik P. Yoon free of charge to all Organic Division members. Dr. Tehshik Yoon is a Professor of Chemistry at the …

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Nominations for Division of Organic Chemistry Officers Solicited

Categories: News

The Division of Organic Chemistry is the largest technical division in the ACS and as such we seek enthusiastic and committed division members to help steer the division over the coming year. We welcome volunteers and nominations from the division to stand for election in the various offices of the Executive Committee. If interested or …

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Abstracts for the Fall 2018 ACS Meeting in Boston

Categories: News

Members can now access the ORGN abstract separates for the 256th ACS National Meeting held in the Boston (Fall 2018). To access the file, you must be a Division Member. You can download the PDF file (14 MB) from the Organic Division’s Meeting Abstract Page. Use your ACS Login ID to access the page.

MSU Hosts Symposium to Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Cisplatin

Categories: News

Michigan State University is hosting a Cancer Research Symposium in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the FDA’s approval of cisplatin.   The two-day event includes a reception and cancer research poster presentation on Friday evening, followed by an all-day symposium on Saturday featuring a “Who’s Who” of scientists and experts in the cisplatin/carboplatin field. This …

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The 2018 Undergraduate Awards Announced

Categories: News

The Organic Division congratulates the 322 Organic Division Undergraduate Awardees for 2018. Each awardee received letter of recognition from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry and an award certificate signed by the division chair. Awardees who are members of the ACS will also receive membership to the Division of Organic Chemistry; those who are not …

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