NOS 2019: News (Schedule, Posters, Activities, Registration)

Categories: News

The finalized schedule for the 46th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (#NOS2019) is now available online. The full program book will be posted by June 20th. A draft schedule for the poster sessions is available here. It is sorted by day and alphabetized by presenting author’s last name. We have tried to address all requests made …

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NEW! – Division to offer up to 15 Graduate Student Travel Awards to present at NOS

Categories: News

New this year, the Division of Organic Chemistry will provide up to fifteen travel awards ($500/award) for graduate students to help cover registration and expenses for the 46th National Organic Chemistry Symposium at the Indiana University—Bloomington. Applicants are encouraged to be members (or affiliate members) of the Division of Organic Chemistry. The award recipient must …

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Free workshop about Closing the Loop on the Plastics Dilemma.  

Categories: News

On May 9-10, 2019, the Chemical Sciences Roundtable of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will host a free workshop entitled, Closing the Loop on the Plastics Dilemma.   The workshop will discuss new polymer options and approaches that reduce the impacts of plastics that enter the environment and that improve recycling of plastics, …

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The 2019 DOC SURF Awardees

Categories: News

The Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) congratulates the twelve 2019 DOC Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) awardees and gratefully acknowledges the generous sponsors (listed below). With the help of our sponsors, the DOC has granted 118 Research Fellowships since the awards inception in 2009. See all the Awardees. The winners are: 2019 Awardeees Yotam Ashkenazi …

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A Welcome Message from the Organic Division Chair

Categories: News

Welcome to the virtual front porch of the Division of Organic Chemistry, which is your entryway to useful information about the division and the ACS as well as numerous resources of interest to our members. The year 2019 is shaping up to be an exciting one for the DOC, starting with the 2019 National Organic …

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ACS New Faculty Workshop

Categories: News

A workshop specifically designed for newly-hired and early career chemistry faculty will be held August 1-3, 2019 in Washington, D.C. This workshop will focus on developing and implementing evidence-based teaching practices in the classroom. Additional topics discussed include integrating teaching and research, student mentoring, effective time management, laboratory safety, and grantsmanship/funding. New assistant professors about …

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2019 Edward Leete Award – Call for Nominations

Categories: News

The Leete Award recognizes outstanding contributions to teaching and research in Organic Chemistry. Nominees must be members of the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society who have made outstanding contributions to both teaching and research. Teaching should be considered in the broadest sense, including of professional chemists, the dissemination of information about chemistry to prospective …

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ACS Meeting-Orlando Technical Program

Categories: News

The Organic Division is set to provide its technical program at the ACS National Meeting in Orlando (March 31–April 4). The program includes about 700 technical presentations. The ORGN Technical program talks will be in the Orange County Convention Center (Rooms W230A, W230B & W230C; and West Hall F3 & F4). Poster Sessions will be …

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The Organic Division’s Presence on LinkedIn and Social Media

Categories: News

After several years of trying to manage a discussion group on LinkedIn, we have determined that the group was not helping us reach our members nor the Organic Chemistry Community because marketers and others had overtaken the site and our own postings were getting lost and a great deal of irrelevant content was being posted …

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