R. B. Woodward as a Teacher and a Scholar

Categories: Historical Video, News

R. B. Woodward as a Teacher and a Scholar

In 1981, organic chemistry luminaries held forth in a one-of-a-kind symposium to honor the legacy of Robert B. Woodward, who passed away in 1979. Among the 28 scientists who partook in that symposium was Jerome Berson, Professor of Chemistry at Yale University, along with Harry Wasserman, Ernest Wenkert, Daniel Kemp, and James Hendrickson.

We thank Dr. Mark Mazur and and Professor J. Michael McBride for providing these videos to the organic chemistry community. Recorded: August 26, 1981


Carolyn Bertozzi’s 2019 NOS Lecture is Available On-Line

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2019 National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) at Indiana University, Bloomington (June 2019). We are now able to release the video of Carolyn Bertozzi’s (Director, ChEM-H, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences and Professor at Stanford University) lecture free of …

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ACS Meeting-San Diego Technical Program

Categories: News

The Organic Division is set to provide its technical program at the Fall 2019 ACS National Meeting in San Diego (August 25–29). The program includes about 730 technical presentations. The ORGN Technical program talks will be in the San Diego Convention Center (Rooms 7A,7B,8,9,10,Ballroom 20A). Poster Sessions will be held in the San Diego Convention …

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UCLA’S Neil Garg Selected as 2019 Leete Awardee

Categories: News

The ACS Division of Organic Chemistry is pleased to announce that the 2019 Leete Award has been bestowed upon Neil Garg, the Kenneth N. Trueblood Endowed Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles.  Established in 1995, the Leete Award recognizes outstanding contributions to teaching and …

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Video of the Roger Adams Award Presentation at the 2019 NOS

Categories: News

We thank all of those who attended and contributed to the 2019 National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) at Indiana University, Bloomington (June 2019). We now released a recording of the Roger Adams presentation Award from Professor Stephen L. Buchwald of MIT This video of this presentation is the 1 of 20 videos that we have from the …

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Organic Reactions Volume 100

Categories: News

Established in 1942, Organic Reactions has become an essential online resource for synthetic organic chemists. This November Volume 100 of Organic Reactions will be released and Wiley has prepared a poster on the amazing history of this series. http://bit.ly/ORinfographic. They are also providing free access to select chapters at: http://bit.ly/ORsampler

Organic Syntheses Summer 2020 Research Grants for Faculty at Principally Undergraduate Institutions

Categories: News

Organic Syntheses Inc. invites applications for summer research grants from faculty at principally undergraduate institutions. Each grant award will provide $8,000 total costs to a PUI faculty member who will subsequently choose their undergraduate coworker for the project from among the students in their department. Faculty at any institution in the United States and Canada …

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47th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) in 2021

Categories: News

The next National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) will occur June 27-July 1, 2021 at the University of California San Diego in La Jolla, CA. The chair of the meeting will be Angie R. Angeles Gilead. Rick Broene of Bowdoin College will be the Co-Chair. The event will rely on Emmanuel Theodorakis, UCSD who will serve …

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