Organic Reactions® provides a compilation of an authoritative summary of a preparatively useful organic reaction from the primary literature. Practitioners interested in executing such a reaction (or simply learning about the features, advantages, and limitations of this process) thus have a valuable resource to guide their experimentation. Abstracting services, such Chemical Abstracts and Beilstein, allow for the practitioner to locate all of the literature on the subject, but without providing insight into the value of any particular reference.
Organic Reactions® chapters constitute a distillation of this avalanche of information into the knowledge needed to correctly implement a reaction and are much more than a surfeit of primary references. This capacity, namely to provide focused, scholarly, and comprehensive overviews of a given transformation, that Organic Reactions takes on even greater significance for the practice of chemical experimentation in the 21st century. The suitability of a given reaction for an unknown application is best judged from the informed vantage point provided by precedent and guidelines offered by a knowledgeable author as provide in Organic Reactions.
Complete list of published chapters may be found at:
Visit the Organic Reactions® web page for more information.
Organic Reactions® regularly financially supports Organic Division programs and they cosponsor the Roger Adams Award which recognizes and encourage outstanding contributions to research in organic chemistry defined in its broadest sense. The award is presented biennially in odd-numbered years at the National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS). A video of the 2023 Award presentation including some of the history of Organic Reactions is available here.
Organic Reactions – Officers
Dr. P. Andrew Evans, Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Steven Weinreb, Executive Editor
Dr. Barry Snider, Secretary
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